Volume – 7, Number – 1, January – June 2018
Annals of Phytomedicine: An International Journal
Editor-in-Chief : Dr. Irfan Ali Khan
Managing Editor : Dr. Atiya Khanum
1. Invited commentary
Role of antinutrient metabolites of plant on production of secondary metabolites and human health
Raman Dang
DOI: 10.21276/ap.2018.7.1.1
5. Review article
All India coordinated research project on ethnobiology and genesis of ethnopharmacology research in India including benefit sharing
Palpu Pushpangadan, Varughese George, Thadiyan Parambil Ijinu and Manikantan Ambika Chithra
DOI: 10.21276/ap.2018.7.1.2
13. Review article
Toxicity of anticancer drugs and its prevention with special reference to role of garlic constituents
Sheikh Raisuddin, Shahazad Ahmad, Mahwash Fatima and Sadaf Dabeer
DOI: 10.21276/ap.2018.7.1.3
27. Review article
Phytopharmaceuticals: A new class of drug in India
Zulfa Nooreen, Vineet Kumar Rai and Narayan Parasad Yadav
DOI: 10.21276/ap.2018.7.1.4
38. Original article
Biochemical characterization of somatic embryogenesis and genetic transformation studies in Terminalia chebula Retz.: An immensely valuable medicinal tree
C. Anjaneyulu and Charu Chandra Giri
DOI: 10.21276/ap.2018.7.1.5
52. Original article
Structural analysis and characterization of a clinically important low molecular weight natural dextran synthesized by Leuconostoc lactis KU665298 dextransucrase
Nisha Devi and Wamik Azmi
DOI: 10.21276/ap.2018.7.1.6
63. Original article
Extraction and characterization of biocolors from bacterial isolates of Pseudomonas sp. M1 and MS2
Meenakshi, Neerja Rana and Anjali Chauhan
DOI: 10.21276/ap.2018.7.1.7
69. Original article
In silico structural and functional analysis of copalyl diphosphate synthase enzyme in Andrographis paniculata (Burm. f.) Wall. ex Nees: A plant of immense pharmaceutical value
Aayeti Shailaja, Byreddi Bhavani Venkata Bindu, Mote Srinath and Charu Chandra Giri
DOI: 10.21276/ap.2018.7.1.8
78. Original article
Identification and in silico screening of biologically active secondary metabolites isolated from Trichoderma harzianum
Abhishek Mishra, Supriya Dixit, Ved Ratan, Mukesh Srivastava, Shubha Trivedi and Yatindra Kumar Srivastava
DOI: 10.21276/ap.2018.7.1.9
96. Original article
In vitro bile acid sequestering properties of Morus indica L. leaves
P. Vanitha Reddy and Asna Urooj
DOI: 10.21276/ap.2018.7.1.11
101. Original article
Reversal of glycoxidative damage of DNA and protein by antioxidants
Pamela Jha, Adiba Riyaz Momin, Dinesh Kumar and Ahmad Ali
DOI: 10.21276/ap.2018.7.1.12
106. Original article
Evaluation of antioxidant property of some fungal pigments by DNA protection assay
R. Poorniammal, D. Balachandar and S. Gunasekaran
DOI: 10.21276/ap.2018.7.1.13
112. Original article
Comparative assessment of antioxidant, nutritional and functional properties of soybean and its by-product okara
Suman Ambawat and Neelam Khetarpaul
DOI: 10.21276/ap.2018.7.1.14
119. Original article
Comparison of different extraction methods and HPLC method development for the quantification of andrographolide from Andrographis paniculata (Burm.f.) Wall. ex Nees
Seema Sharma and Yash Pal Sharma
DOI: 10.21276/ap.2018.7.1.15
131. Original article
Authentication of polyherbal formulations using PCR technique
Juwairiya Butt, Saiqa Ishtiaq, Bushra Ijaz, Zulfiqar Ali Mir, Shumaila Arshad and Sophia Awais
DOI: 10.21276/ap.2018.7.1.16
140. Original article
Chemical compounds of oak (Quercus petraea (Matt.) Liebl.) species with different medicinal properties in eastern Black Sea region
Ibrahim Tumen,, Sanver Eyuboglu, Mehmet Kurtca and Nazim Sekeroglu
DOI: 10.21276/ap.2018.7.1.17
147. Original article
Curcumin and nanocurcumin differentially activate TRPV1 channels in non-pregnant and pregnant middle uterine artery of Capra hircus
Subas Chandra Parija and Harithalakshmi Jandhyam
DOI: 10.21276/ap.2018.7.1.18
152. Original article
Effect of Momordica charantia L. on serum biochemical parameters in experimentally induced atypical acinar cell tumors in male wistar rats
Saahithya Rajamohan, R. Sridhar, S. Hemalatha and P. Sriram
DOI: 10.21276/ap.2018.7.1.19
158. Original article
Triphala churna, myth and microscopic characterization
C.S. Rana, G.P. Kimothi, Rajiv Rai, S.B. Narayan and J.L.N. Sastry
DOI: 10.21276/ap.2018.7.1.20
165. Original article
Curcumin and nanocurcumin differentially activate K+ channels in uterine artery of non-pregnant and pregnant Capra hircus
Harithalakshmi Jandhyam and Subas Chandra Parija
DOI: 10.21276/ap.2018.7.1.21
Cover photograph : Effect of plant hormones and zinc sulphate on rooting and callus induction in in vitro propagated Coscinium fenestratum (Gaertn.) Colebr. stem and their role in estimation of secondary metabolites
Kuntal Das, Raman Dang, Gokul Sivaraman, Rajasekharan Punathil Ellath, D. Roopa and B. Subbaiyan
DOI: 10.21276/ap.2018.7.1.10