Annals of Phytomedicine (AP)

[vc_row][vc_column width=”2/3″][vc_empty_space height=”20px”][vc_column_text]General
Manuscripts submitted for publication in Annals of Phytomedicine must be original and should not be published earlier in any journal. The corresponding author must be member of this journal at the time of submission of the manuscript.

Manuscripts should be double spaced throughout with enough margins on all sides on white A4 size paper. One set of high quality original figure(s) and photograph(s) must be submitted along with the manuscript. However, corresponding author is advised to keep a copy of the manuscript for checking against proofs.

The title of the paper should be brief, specific and informative. Title is to be followed by the name (s) of the author (s). Address of the institution should follow the next. The name and the address including e-mail, phone and fax numbers of the corresponding author should be indicated.

A brief abstract not exceeding 250 words of the principal points and important conclusions should be typed after the address without additional paragraph indentation.

Key words
There should be 3-5 key words indicating the contents of the paper.

The text of the paper should be divided into sections starting with “Introduction” and ending with “Results and Discussion”. Introduction should be brief and limited to the statement of the problem and the experiment. The literature reviewed should be pertinent to the problem under study. Materials and methods should include relevant details on the nature of material, experimental design and the statistical methods used. However, results and discussion should preferably be combined to avoid repetition. If in case, the author feels inconvenient to do so, he/she can give a separate heading. The discussion should briefly attempt at relating author’s result (s) to other work on the subject and give authors conclusions. Numerical results should be shown in the tables and same may be repeated in the text.

Tables should be short and typed on separate sheets. They must be numbered in arabic numerals and cited in the text accordingly. However, the preferred position of tables in the running text should be indicated.

Figures Figures should be numbered in arabic numerals and cited in the text with the same number.

Figures should be supplied in JPEG or TIFF formats suitable for reproduction. Hard copies of the figures should be clear, well contrasted and glossy prints. The original drawing should be made in black on a good quality paper and preferably on A4 size white paper or tracing paper.

Photographs should be of high contrast on glossy paper and should not be folded or creased. They should be cited in the text in arabic numerals. A separate type written double spaced explanation of plates and photographs transparencies should be supplied, giving legends for each photograph.

It should be brief and meaningful. One should mention the guidance or assistance received in real terms and financial grant provided by an agency.

References should be arranged alphabetically by author’s name followed by initials(s), year, title, journal, volume, number of the volume if any and the pages of the paper. References should be cited in the text by authors name and years, i.e., Khan (1983), Aradhana and Manoj Kumar (2010) and Johnson et al. (1955) etc. Contributors are advised to follow the pattern given below:

RESEARCH PAPER: Khan, Irfan Ali (1983). Mutation studies in mung bean (Phaseolus aureus Roxb). V. Induced polygenic variability after seed irradiation. Canadian J. Genet. Cytol., 25(3): 298-303.

Rizvi, S. I. and Maurya, P. K. (2007). Alterations in antioxidant enzymes during aging in humans. Mol. Biotechnol., 37 (1): 58 – 61.

Johson, H.W.; Robinson, H.F and Comstock, R.E.(1955). Estimates of genetic and environmental variability in soybean. Agron. J.,46 : 314 – 315.

BOOK: Falconer, D.S.(1960). Introduction to quantitative genetics. The Ronal Press Co., New York, U.S.A, pp: 365.

Khan, Irfan Ali and Khanum, Atiya (1994). Fundamentals of Biostatistics. Ukaaz Publications, Hyderabad, India, pp: 594.

EDITED BOOK : Susan Eapen (2007). Plant biotechnology in aid of AIDS. In: Herbal therapy for AIDS (ed. Khan, Irfan Ali and Khanum, Atiya), Ukaaz Publications, Hyderabad, India, pp:129-124.

Ph.D. THESIS: Chandra, A.(2002). Pulses, the protein plants and their biochemical investigations. Ph.D. Thesis, University of Rajasthan, Jaipur.

PROCEEDINGS: Burton, G.W. (1952). Quantitative inheritance in grass. Proc. 6th Int. Grassland Cong., 1. 227-283.

Page proof
The proofs will be sent to the corresponding author only unless until specified clearly. These should be corrected and returned as per the policy as specified earlier.

Editor-in-Chief of the journal would like to inform all the contributors that the policy of the journal is not to give reprints to the authors. However, the corresponding author will get two copies of the journal, free of cost. Additional copies of the journal can be purchased by ordering when the proofs are returned.

Editor-in-Chief :    Dr. Irfan Ali Khan
Managing Editor : Dr. Atiya Khanum
Editorial Office :    16-11-511/D/408, Shalivahana Nagar,
Moosarambagh, Hyderabad-500036,
Andhra Pradesh, India
Tel. : 040-24547392, 040-65704477,
Editor-in-Chief : +91-9246509453
Managing Editor : +91-9246584140
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