Editorial Guidelines
Guidelines for authors
Authors are able to register and submit items to the Journal directly to AP (ukaaz@yahoo.com). The author is asked to upload
the item, as well as provide metadata or indexing information associated with the item, to improve the search capacity for research online and for this Journal. The author is also able to accompany an item with Supplementary Files in the form of datasets, research instruments, or source texts that will enrich the item, as well as contribute to more open and robust forms of research and scholarship.
Single MS Word Document file containing Title page, Abstract, Manuscript (MS Word file) should be submitted with every manuscript to identify the person (with address and mobile number) responsible for correspondence, concerning the article. This letter should make it clear that the final manuscript has been seen and approved by all authors. AP and our Editors expect that all authors will disclose any commercial associations they have that might give rise to a conflict of interest in connection with the submitted article.
Guidelines for reviewers
Reviewers hold the maximum responsibility for the acceptance of manuscript in AP. Every reviewer is requested to strictly adhere to the roles and responsibilities mentioned below:
- Please check for assigned manuscripts at least two days once, which can be visible only after reviewer
- Download the assigned manuscript and review the work or the Editor may also send the manuscript to the reviewers mail
- Check whether the work is up to the standards for publishing at Annals of Phytomedicine (AP).
- Comments, if any about the manuscript should be submitted from the comments tab after reviewer
- Reviewers should not contact the author through mobile/telephone/mail for any queries regarding the manuscript, if found by mistake anywhere in the manuscript.
- Reviewers should not print the manuscript or use the manuscript for lecture or any other purpose which is under review
- Corrections/decisions on manuscript should be notified by reviewer in 10
- Please inform to Editor-in-Chief through mail or telephonic call or from his dashboard, if the reviewer is not interested to review the assigned manuscript within 48 hours.
Guidelines for editors
All manuscripts including research and review articles sent for publication in AP are strictly and thoroughly peer-reviewed by experts. The Managing Editor of the Journal will perform an initial editorial and plagiarism check of the manuscript’s suitability upon receipt. The associate Editors will then organize the peer-review process performed by independent experts and collect at least two review reports per manuscript. We ask our authors for adequate revisions before a final decision is made. The final decision is made by the Editor-in-Chief of a Journal or the Guest Editor of a Special Issue. Accepted articles are subjected to the copy-edited, proofread and layout edited. Note that your recommendation is visible only to Journal editors, not to the authors.